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Art of the Cuff – exhibition

Exhibition: 18 September to 6 October 2013

Exhibition opening: Tuesday 17 September 5.30 to 7.30

Art of the Cuff is an exhibition curated by Lord Coconut, Melbourne’s only handcrafted mens accessories boutique.

The select group of Melbourne-based contemporary artists, jewellers & designers involved in the exhibition were each given a French Cuff to customise. The collected cuffs reflect the contemporary jewellery in-store at Lord Coconut and how it links to their own artistic practice.

Sally Adams, ADi, ali Alexander, Jo Anderson, Sylvia Ballerini, Emily Becher, Anastasia Grace Birbas, James Bonnici, Nina Bove, Braddock, Shelley Buttle, Jackie Case, Herry Choi, Matthew Liam Collins, Anika Cook, Beth Croce, Juan Davila, Robert Lee Davis, Andrew Delany, Patricia Denis, Djuwa di, Toni-ann Dowd, Kelly Duckworth, Gillian Farrow, Daniel Fikaris, Sai-Wai Foo, GAFFA, Megan Greenwood, Jo Harrison, Helen Mary Heap, Mervin Heers, Jessica Helen, Melanie Hilder, Stephanie Hocking, Nicholas Ives, Nerea Li Santi, Chloe McColl, Amy Mills, Julie Niekamp, Jason Patterson, Alice Potter, Oretta Surace, Karen Thompson, Jocelyn Tribe, Emma Van Leest, Andrew V Weatherill/Justine Austen, Heidi Weber, Ian Westwood, Daisy Wharton and Wingnut & co.

A Cuff by Juan Davila
Anatomical by Beth Croce
Architectural Line Warehouse View by Jo harrison
Asylum by Beth Croce
Australia fair by Robert Lee Davis
Bikaner I by Jocelyn Tribe
Black Letter Law by Orietta Surace
Bungle Bungles by Melanie Hilder
Carnelian I by Jocelyn Tribe
carnelian II by Jocelyn Tribe
Cherie by Daisy Wharton
Construction Site by Jo Harrison
Courting Nightmares by Megan Greenwood
Eucalyptus by Sally Adams
Felted Cuff by Andrew Delany
Flourish by Chloe McColl
Fracture by Nerea Li Santi
Geometrica by Jessica Helen
Handcuff by Ian Westwood
I am titanium by Helen Mary Heap
I don’t know why you say goodbye. I say hello by Patricia Denis
I’m a cufflink dummy by Mervin Heers
I;m the hunter by Toni-ann Dowd
may the protection of the ancestors be yours by Karen Thompson
My country by Sylvia Ballerini
Not all those who wander are lost… by Emily Becher
Owl by Jackie ccse
Pineapple by Emma van Leest
Pituitary I by Jocelyn Tribe
Pituitary II by Jocelyn Tribe
Pointers by Anika Cook
Portrait of Blue by Herry Choi
Powerpole I by James Bonnici
Powerpole II by James Bonnici
Rhythms within 2013 by Nina Bove
Scummy cuff by Anastasia Grace Birbas
Secret treasures by Shelley Buttle
Shoot your cuffs by ali Alexander
Skulls by Daniel Fikaris
Stone and oak by Wingnut & Co.
Strings attached by Heidi Weber
Swim Koi Cuff by Jason Patterson
The black rooster by Stephanie Hocking
The briar by Julie Niekamp
The chief by Kelly Duckworth
The rib bons connects to the… by Matthew Liam Collins
The thoughts of love by Jo Anderson
Trains and boats and planes by Gillian Farrow
Upon in the sky I by Nicholas Ives
Upon in the sky II by Nicholas Ives
Urban Bird by Jo Harrison
Us vs Them I by Braddock
Us vs Them II by Braddock
Weasel Tracks by Andrew V Weatherill & Justine Austen
You should see the other guy by Alice Potter
You’ll grow into it by Sai-Wai Foo
You’re the reason i get out of bed every morning by Amy Mills
Horus Pear by Adi
Bikaner II by Jocelyn Tribe

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